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Getting heating right will lead to more affordable, reliable low cost heating for the end consumer. We're working to make that a reality - get in touch to find out more.

Vattenfall Heat UK


70 St Mary Axe

The Tun Building
Holyrood Road

Bristol City Leap
101 Victoria Street

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Why heat networks?

Most UK homes are heated using natural gas boilers, but there are far more resource-effici...

UK homes are being encouraged to move to low carbon heating, but what are the benefits?

A heat network, also referred to as district heating, is a system of delivering heat to ho...

Heat networks are used in many parts of the world to deliver low carbon heat to homes and ...

Latest news and insights

The role of water-source heat pumps in heat networks

Selene Molina Blanco, Head of Engineering in our Bristol office, explains the role of water-source heat pumps in Bristol’s heat network and how the technology works to bring low carbon...

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“Heat network projects present lifelong career opportunities”, Paul Steen tells the Scotsman

Our Head of Business Development (North) has written an insightful article for The Scotsman, addressing the critical need to bridge the skills gap to achieve net zero in Scotland. 

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Bristol Heat Network scoops up two prestigious industry awards

Yesterday was a successful day for Vattenfall’s Bristol Heat Network, scooping up two awards at separate ceremonies on the same evening. 

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