The HNIC represents key stakeholders in the heat networks sector working together towards a cleaner, fairer future energy system.
Vattenfall Heat UK is proud to be a signatory member of the new Heat Networks Industry Council.
The Heat Networks Industry Council (HNIC) represents key stakeholders in the heat networks sector working together to put forward a coherent ask and offer to Government, so that they can work effectively together towards a cleaner, fairer future energy system.
Decarbonisation of heating is essential in order for the UK to meet zero carbon emissions by the 2050 deadline. Heat accounts for almost half of the UK’s energy use, and for around a third of greenhouse gas emissions, so its significance cannot be understated.
A large scale roll out of district heating is a vital part of achieving this ambitious target. In many urban areas, it will likely be the most cost-effective way to decarbonise the heating of buildings, both for consumers and the country as a whole.
"New decade-spanning multi billion pound infrastructure investments and rapid market growth doesn't happen without clear alignment, common ways of working and high standards and so I see the proposal from the HNIC as essential if the UK is serious about decarbonising heat."
What can heat networks offer?
1. Creating investment and jobs:
- The investment, skills and supply chain growth necessary for 18% of UK heat demand to be met through heat networks by 200;
- 20,000-35,000 new direct jobs in the sector by 2050;
- Investment of up to £50bn into the UK market by 2050
2. Accelerating carbon reduction:
- Net zero carbon networks for all new schemes by 2030;
- All new and existing heat networks are net zero carbon by 2035
3. Delivering consistent and excellent customer experience:
- Consistent and excellent customer experience for all heat networks users, with the overriding principle of treating customers fairly;
- And including guaranteed standards of performance, without a cost premium to the customer, at standards better than equivalent premium gas boiler heating services
4. Supporting the creation of smart, liveable cities:
- City-wide strategic heat network plans for all major cities by 2030;
- Efficient and low cost, digitally-enabled heat for all networks;
- Heat networks will be a net contributor to better air quality
“The commitment set out by HNIC crystallises the value that the heat network sector can contribute to a net-zero economy. A successful transition to net-zero must deliver tangible benefits to customers and local communities."
"This ambition can’t be delivered alone. At Vattenfall, we see ourselves as a community partner that not only delivers exceptional customer service, but also works in collaboration with stakeholders to develop supply chains, create long-term local employment opportunities and support the priorities of the communities we serve.”

The HNIC launch was attended by the Minister for Energy and Clean Growth Kwasi Kwarteng, who said: “Heat networks will play a vital role in a future net-zero economy by helping to decarbonise how we heat our buildings while creating new green jobs."
As a signatory we are committed to the Heat Networks Industry Council. Only by coming together to agree a shared vision, can we solve the climate crisis.
More information on the Heat Networks Industry Council can be found at
Related: Heat networks industry announces plan to create thousands of ‘green collar’ jobs | The ADE