With the opportunity to build-back-better as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dig deep and embrace the investment opportunity presented by truly zero-carbon buildings across the UK.
The initiative from the Green Finance Institute to convene the Zero Carbon Heating Taskforce is very well timed, hugely welcomed by Vattenfall and our peers in the private sector, and we hope will have the resonant impact in policy circles that is needed.
The newly released report presents the findings of the Zero Carbon Heating Taskforce and includes analysis of the UK’s heat market and the financial, policy and regulatory innovations to bridge the investment gaps and drive systemic change.
It is time to accelerate the transition towards zero carbon in our homes. With the opportunity to build-back-better as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dig deep and embrace the investment opportunity presented by truly zero-carbon buildings across the UK.
With clear policy and a long term direction, the technologies exist to deliver on the zero-carbon vision we all share. This transformation will mitigate the otherwise accelerating effects of climate change while creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, new supply chains, and new industries all anchored around and serving our local communities.
Read the report: Financing zero carbon heat: turning up the dial on investment