Let's Meet: Euan Lambert

Euan Lambert joins us this month as one of our new team members as part of our graduate training programme.

Where are you originally from?

I am originally from Dunblane, a small town in central Scotland. About an hour away from Edinburgh. It’s a very pretty little place and was a really great place to grow up. It’s surrounded by rolling hills and nice countryside which are always a joy to explore.

It is often referred to it as a city because of the fact that it has a cathedral. I imagine one of the smallest cities in the UK – but someone would have to check this for me! A ‘fun’ fact about the cathedral is that it was founded (approximately) at the same time as Notre Dame in Paris. I think it’s interesting to think how the two places that grew around their respective cathedrals are so very different.

What has been your education and why were you interested in applying for the Graduate programme?

My educational background is in chemical engineering, I have recently completed a masters in the subject. One of the key reasons that I got into engineering in the first place was to offer me the chance to being able to do sustainable engineering. I was also attracted to the subject because I have always enjoyed problem solving and learning new things. Working in the district heating sector, and specifically with Vattenfall, therefore offered me a great chance to do all these things.

What's something that you've always wanted to do?

The only items on my bucket list are the kind of classic items that I imagine a lot of people include, like physical challenges. On top of the list for me is running a marathon, which I’d really like to do at some point in my life. One of the blue-riband, big city races appeals the most. Other things that would probably be on there are climbing some really big mountains, such as Mont Blanc or Kilimanjaro. The idea of giving myself big goals like these and having to put in a lot of time and effort to achieve them is something that really appeals.

What's something that you're really looking forward to getting involved in with Heat UK?

One of the aspects of the program that appealed to me was the opportunity to do work with multiple teams within the Heat UK unit. I’m really looking forward to working with a range of different people throughout the business and the learning that will inevitably come with that. District heating is something that I am already passionate about so learning as much as I can about how systems are designed, delivered, and run is a goal of mine. Hopefully it will result in me becoming a really well rounded member of the team.

What kind of things do you like to do in your down time?

I like to keep myself quite busy so enjoy having friends over or planning things with them during the weekends. I particularly enjoy a jaunt around a market or museum with a friend. Alongside these, my preferred method of getting a bit of head space is to go out on a run, or a walk if I’m not feeling so active. Which has the added benefit of being a really nice way to explore new places. Controversially, since starting my new job at Vattenfall I’ve also really enjoyed my commute and the time everyday that it allows me to read my book.

What's something that not a lot of people know about you?

Something that not a lot of people know about me is that I played the bagpipes whilst I was at school. I was a member of the local pipe band. This involved many weekends spent during the summer travelling around a variety of Scottish towns to attend competitions. The highlight of my time with the band was definitely winning a competition that we participated in in Belfast.

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