Heat UK Diverse Heat Network Videos

Vattenfall worked with See It Be It to produce a series of videos for the Diverse Heat Network highlighting the diversity of roles in our industry but also diversity of talent.

Commercial Analyst Ashley Wai, Lead Engineering Manager Selene Molina and Lead Engineer Steve Fuller all took part in videos with The Diverse Heat Network to highlight not only the diversity of roles, but also the diversity of talent in our industry.

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Ashley Wai

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Selene Molina

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Steve Fuller

The Diverse Heat Network

This growth of low carbon heat networks and the transition to net zero heating will require a skilled workforce, specialised in the installation, operation and maintenance of low carbon heat generation, systems, and networks. The Diverse Heat Network wants to encourage collaboration, share best practice and learn from and with each other to collectively develop impactful resources which we can all benefit from.

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Alina Gheorghiu-Currie, appointed Director for London at Heat UK.

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Catalyse Change work experience with Vattenfall Heat UK

Vattenfall and Catalyse Change: Reflecting on Work Experience

Commercial Consultant for Vattenfall Heat UK, Sonya Bedford, works as a mentor at Catalyse Change, providing valuable insight of the sustainable energy sector, for young women aged 18-24. 

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