WES Work Experience with Joyce Daser-Adams

In support of the Women in Engineering Society (WES) Vattenfall gave Joyce Daser-Adams, student of Mechatronic Systems Engineering, the opportunity to work shadow our Head of Engineering, Selene Molina Blanco. Here is what Joyce had to say about her experience. 

As an aspiring Mechatronic Systems Engineer with over 10years of experience in the Automotive industry, I yearned for an opportunity to delve into the real-world applications of my academic knowledge with a passion to contribute to the net-zero commitment. My wish was granted when I had the opportunity to work shadow the Head of Engineering Selene at Vattenfall an initiative of Women in Engineering Society (WES). This three-day experience was transformative, providing me with valuable insights into the company and the energy sector. 

I entered Vattenfall with a sense of eagerness and curiosity. I was excited to witness cutting-edge energy projects, collaborate with experts, and understand the inner workings of the company. My expectations were exceeded from the very beginning. I was welcomed into a world of endless possibilities and diverse opportunities. 

I began my journey by being introduced to various departments and teams within the company. Each day brought new challenges and learning experiences, from project management intricacies to sales and commercial strategies. I had the chance to witness the intricate fusion of creativity and precision that goes into energy solutions. This immersive exposure helped me gain a profound understanding of the different roles and responsibilities within the energy sector. 

Two women standing at the main desk at Vattenfall HQ

One of the most pivotal moments during my work shadowing experience was the opportunity to present my ideas to the team. I was excited and apprehensive at the same time, but I conveyed my vision of using mechatronic systems engineering skills to address real-world industry challenges. The reception was incredibly positive, and I was encouraged to continue developing my ideas.

Beyond the technical aspects, my time at Vattenfall allowed me to understand the company's culture and values. I witnessed first-hand the emphasis placed on sustainability, innovation, and collaboration. These principles aligned perfectly with my personal beliefs and professional aspirations. It became evident that being part of an organization that shares my core values would not only foster my growth but also empower me to contribute to a meaningful mission that addresses global climate challenges. 

As the days passed, I realized that this work shadowing experience was more than just an opportunity to observe professionals at work. It was a journey of self-discovery. I unearthed my true potential as an engineer, honed my problem-solving skills, and developed the ability to think critically. The environment at Vattenfall encouraged me to push my limits, constantly challenging myself to learn and adapt. 

Looking back at my work shadowing experience, I can confidently say that it has set the stage for my future as a Mechatronic system engineer. The skills and knowledge I gained have equipped me to tackle real-world challenges, while the exposure to diverse engineering disciplines has broadened my horizons. This experience not only enriched my resume but also ignited a passion in the energy sector with purpose and make a positive impact on the world. 

What a lovely fossil free family I met!

Joyce Daser-Adams 
Middlesex University London Student (MSc Mechatronic Systems Engineering) 

We acknowledge the importance of encouraging gender diversity within the engineering industry, to create equal opportunities within society today. Joyce’s experience at Vattenfall highlights the significant importance of creating opportunities for individuals to enhance their skills and gain experience within controlled and professional environments. We are delighted to have had Joyce join our team and support her in reaching her professional aspirations within engineering, we wish Joyce all the best on her future endeavors and hopes that she continues to strive towards upkeeping values that positively contribute towards society today. 

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