December Step Challenge results

The Heat UK team walked over 3000 miles and raised £3000 to be split between the winner's chosen charities.

As we did at the end of 2020, the Vattenfall Heat UK team once again aimed to run, walk, and shimmy between our offices in London, Edinburgh and Bristol. Our target was to complete 4 laps of the London/Edinburgh/Bristol circuit which equates to 3404 miles.

As a team we managed to complete 4.37 laps of the circuit, averaging just over one lap per week, and also were able to do an extra 322 miles.

The winners of the step challenge were Victor Leon-Jimenez, Abigail Chatfield and Michal Niewadzisz.

The winners decided to split the £3000 raised from the challenge. £1.5k will go to Crecer con Futuro (Grow with a Future) and The Multiple Sclerosis Trust.

Crecer con Futuro

Nominated by: Victor

What they do: Children located at social centres with no family support still need to feel love and appreciation. This charity provides an opportunity to these children while they are not yet adults, and also aims to provide them with the skills to be autonomous with no safety net beneath them when they turn 18.

Why we have chosen this charity: Coming from a family of social workers, social educators and social psychologists, this is something very close to my heart. I have been (and am) guilty of taking things for granted, not fully appreciating that all of my little achievements are thanks to being part of an amazing family I can always rely on (the importance of context).

Multiple Sclerosis Trust

Nominated by: Michal

What they do: MS Trust is a charity that believe that no-one should have to manage multiple sclerosis alone, whether their personal or social circumstances. They are committed in building and inclusive culture that is intolerant of discrimination, bullying and harassment.

Why we have chosen this charity: As a family we have been living with MS for over 12 years. Over the years we have been supporting various charities that help people to understand what living with Multiple Sclerosis means and support people diagnosed with MS. The trust funds over 3000 nurses that care about people severly affected by Multiple Sclerosis.

Thank you to everyone who took part, and to Euan Lambert and Brandon Ratter for organising the challenge.

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